Want to know how much website downtime costs, and the impact it can have on your business?
Find out everything you need to know in our new uptime monitoring whitepaper 2021
2 min read You might have seen the name “Let’s Encrypt” across the internet for the past week and it’s because their root certificate expires on 30th September. It’s been planned for a good long while, with Let’s Encrypt providing users with updates on the expiry and new certificate since 2020. Who is Let’s Encrypt and what exactly
6 min read Affiliate marketing in 2021 continues to be a viable option for bloggers, freelancers, and social media marketers to make money online – find out how you can do it right here!
4 min read Stop what you’re doing and make your passwords more secure! How, you ask? Read on to find out. Hackers and scammers won’t like you for this!
7 min read Are you a developer? Are you working with JSON or thinking to? You’re going to need this tutorial guide to walk you through everything you need to know about JSON so you can be a pro in no time!
6 min read In this tutorial, I’ll be using one of the most popular frontend tools for building a design system – Storybook. This works really well with React, so I’ll be setting up a React project with an example component and showing you how to integrate Storybook within that.
2 min read Are you using a VPN whilst you work from home? No? Well, you should definitely get reading this over your tea break; internet safety has never been so important and this is one thing that is quick, easy and effective to use!
6 min read Calling all developers! We’ve got all the best Visual Studio Code shortcuts you could need, with step-by-step gifs showing you EXACTLY how to do it. Save time, look at them now!
5 min read We get asked questions about uptime monitoring all the time, and we know that Google does too. So we’ve compiled the top 8 questions that are consistently asked so you can get all of your uptime answers, all in one place!
4 min read Amazon is rarely out of the news, and the recent news has focused on how valuable the company is, the large market cap and Jeff Bezos stepping down as CEO last month to be replaced by Andy Jassy. This time, however, the big news is Amazon mesh, a network to connect users and their devices.
7 min read Are you a developer? Yes? Great! You’re going to NEED to read this blog. It’s a high-level run through of the top extensions that you should be using in Visual Studio Code. You’re welcome!
5 min read Calling all developers and website owners! Do you know what Google’s Core Web Vitals are? Do you know which elements of your website LCP, FID and CLS relate to? No? Read everything you need to know about them right here, and start ranking better in Google and driving revenue.
3 min read 400. 401. 404. 500. 503. What are all of these website error codes we keep seeing? Whether you’re a website visitor or a website owner, get to grips with exactly what they mean, and what you can do about them to smooth out your online experience.
Find out everything you need to know in our new uptime monitoring whitepaper 2021