Want to know how much website downtime costs, and the impact it can have on your business?
Find out everything you need to know in our new uptime monitoring whitepaper 2021
6 min read New to affiliate marketing? Want to become a successful affiliate marketer but don’t know how to? We’ve got you. Use this handy step-by-step guide to help you start an affiliate website that drives traffic and conversions!
3 min read Do you know or understand the importance of DNS? Shaking your head? So few people know the answer, don’t worry. That’s why we’ve gone through it all right here in this blog.
4 min read Since Google updated its algorithm this month, there’s been plenty of talk about what you should do to make sure your website is abiding by the new rules. But no one is talking about which website metrics you should be monitoring to make sure that you’re constantly ahead of the game. NEWS FLASH – we’ve just put them together for you. You can thanks us later.
8 min read Heard the media storm surrounding Fastly? Thousands of some of the most-used and well-known websites including Amazon and PayPal went down on the 8th June. Find out why, how it happened and how you can stop it from happening to your website!
4 min read Wanting to pick a new CMS platform but don’t know where to start? We’ve put together the best tips for picking the one that will cater best to your needs. The best part? You don’t need a big budget!
2 min read Did you know that your domain could get hijacked? We know, it’s a scary prospect and that’s why we’ve put together a list of ways to avoid falling into this trap!
4 min read These 7 tips are the very foundations of any website, especially if you’re trying to drive conversions. From page speed to SSL certificates, these are the essentials to making sure you convert the traffic coming to your website. Do them, do them now!
4 min read One of the biggest eCommerce questions – how do you improve user experience? Here are all the top tips for a better UX design to help you drive revenue.
5 min read Want to know how to calculate the cost of your Google Ads vs your budget spend? Find out all maths you need to do in this handy guide to help you make the most out of organic and paid Google results.
4 min read Want to be surprised by the websites that have gone down in May? You will be! From CRM giants Salesforce to social media experts Facebook, they’ve all had websites go down this week. Ouch,
4 min read Rumours have it that Facebook plan to monetise WhatsApp by making it possible to process transactions through it. Whether that sounds like a game-changer to you or not, trust us when we say it really can be. Read about how it can effectively change the world’s purchasing processes as we know them to be.
4 min read We recently conducted a poll on LinkedIn about the biggest turn-offs for website visitors. The results? Poor page speed and constant pop-ups are the biggest pet peeves. Find out everything you need to know at the impact of these foes and what you can do to make sure your website isn’t getting a huge bounce rate because of them.
Find out everything you need to know in our new uptime monitoring whitepaper 2021