Want to know how much website downtime costs, and the impact it can have on your business?
Find out everything you need to know in our new uptime monitoring whitepaper 2021
2 min read Generating organic traffic takes time and a lot of hard work. Here are a few suggestions to help you with your efforts.
2 min read Encouraging your staff to come up with new ideas can help deepen their commitment to the company, since they can see tangible evidence that they are helping make the company successful. This approach also increases their ability to solve problems and be more productive.
2 min read For your e-commerce business to succeed, you obviously need satisfied customers. E-commerce is becoming increasingly competitive and your customers will quickly find an alternative if they become unhappy with your service. Here are a few tips to help you keep your customers happy, engaged and purchasing your goods or services.
2 min read Optimizing your website means systematically improving your website’s performance to make sure it is tailored to meet your business goals, whether you are trying to increase sales, get more leads or get more readers. All visitors to your website are trying to accomplish something and optimizing your website makes it easier for them to do
2 min read Your company may not be as big as Amazon, but you will lose sales if your site is down for any length of time. Your customers may buy from a competitor during the outage and you may not get that customer to come back.
2 min read 42 may be “The Almighty Answer to the Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything”; and according to De La Soul 3 may be the “Magic Number”; but when it comes to SaaS KPIs there’s only one number you need to keep at the front of your mind – 78. 78 is the magic number when
3 min read Looking at search engines to predict future behaviour is not new. Read our tips on using search trends & social media to predict stock market moves.
Find out everything you need to know in our new uptime monitoring whitepaper 2021