OpsGenie can be fully integrated with the StatusCake service for uptime alerts and other reporting types, this integration supports alert escalation, and also has phone call as an alerting method!
Note – you must have verified your OpsGenie email address before using the service
In OpsGenie:
1. Sign up to Opsgenie and go to the “Integrations” section.
2. Go to “Add New Integrations” and search for StatusCake. Then select that option.
3. You’ll then be taken to a page which provides an integration key, and guides you through the following steps, this time on the StatusCake End.
4. Ensure that you assign a team for these alerts to come through to, this is required for the integration.
In StatusCake:
1. In StatusCake, from the left navigation, select “Integrations” under “Contacts”.
2. Select “OpsGenie” as “Type” under “ADD NEW 3RD PARTY SERVICE” option.
3. Paste your integration key into the “Key” field.
4. Fill “Teams” field if you would like to assign a team for the notifications coming from StatusCake.
5. Fill “Alias” field. You will refer to this integration via this alias in Status Cake.
6. Save the integration by clicking on “ADD NEW 3RD PARTY NOTIFICATION SERVICE” button.
7. From the left navigation, select “Create Group” under “Contacts” tab.
8. Fill the contact details and select the corresponding alias for OpsGenie integration in “Push Notification” field.
9. Click on “CREATE NEW CONTACT GROUP” button to save the contact group.